Persons entitled
- Mount Street Mortgage Servicing Limited as Security Agent
Brief description
Contains fixed charge…
Satisfy charge 0279 8607 0035 on the Companies House WebFiling service
Contains fixed charge…
Satisfy charge 0279 8607 0034 on the Companies House WebFiling service
Contains fixed charge…
Satisfy charge 0279 8607 0033 on the Companies House WebFiling service
Contains fixed charge…
Satisfy charge 0279 8607 0032 on the Companies House WebFiling service
Contains fixed charge…
Contains fixed charge…
Contains fixed charge…
Contains fixed charge…
Contains fixed charge…
Subjects known as fairview nursing home cowie road…
Subjects known as and forming drummohr nursing home…
Subjects known as barleystone court nursing home west…
All and whole the subjects k/a castle view glasgow road…
Aspen court dodd street limehouse london please see image…
Contains fixed charge…
All and whole the subjects k/a fairview nursing home on the…
Possession of the certificates of title to the collateral…
F/H property at lady astor house nursing home burlington…
The company vested possesion of the certificates of title…
The f/h land k/a 280A penn road, wolverhampton t/n WM663656…
Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all…
Insurance policies, hedging documents, accounts…
The deposit initially of £300,000 credited to account…
By way of fixed charge the real property other than the…
Lands and premises k/a bethany nursing home, 69 osborne…
Balfarg residential nursing home kilmichael road…