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Company number 11419623

Register of directors

Information held on the public register since 18 June 2018 View history of directors Hide history
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18 Jun 2018 Public register -

Register of secretaries

Information held on the public register since 18 June 2018 View history of secretaries Hide history
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18 Jun 2018 Public register -

Register of person(s) with significant control (PSCs)

Information held on the public register since 18 June 2018 View history of persons-with-significant-control Hide history
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18 Jun 2018 Public register -

Register of usual residential addresses

Information held on the public register since 18 June 2018 View history of usual-residential-address Hide history
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18 Jun 2018 Public register -

Register of members for (PDF, 32 pages)

Information held on the public register since 18 June 2018 View history of members Hide history
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18 Jun 2018 Public register View PDF for Register of members as of 18 June 2018 Link opens in new window (32 pages)