Persons entitled
- Svenska Handelsbanken Ab (Publ)
Brief description
The f/h property k/a wiltshire leisure village vastern…
Company number 03003027
The f/h property k/a wiltshire leisure village vastern…
The l/h property k/a 1 lakes view wiltshire leisure village…
The l/h property k/a 2 lakes view wiltshire leisure village…
The l/h property k/a 4 lakes view wiltshire leisure village…
The l/h property k/a 3 lakes view wiltshire leisure village…
The l/h property k/a 14 lakes view wiltshire leisure…
The l/h property k/a 31 wiltshire crescent wiltshire…
Notification of addition to or amendment of charge…
All deposits now and in the future credited to account…
Wiltshire leisure village vastern wootton bassett wiltshire…
Fixed and floating charges over the undertaking and all…