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Company number 00958001

Charge code 0095 8001 0019

27 July 2021
12 August 2021
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Dnb Bank Asa, London Branch

Brief description

All and whole (in the first place) (first) that area of ground lying to the west of the public road leading from oban to south shian extending to two acres and four decimal or tenth parts of an acre or thereby in the parish of ardchattan and muckairn and county of argyll bounded on the east by the said public road along which it extends five hundred and eleven feet three inches or thereby; and (second) that plot or area of ground lying to the east of the said road leading from oban to south shian extending to thirty three decimal or hundredth parts of an acre or thereby in the said parish and county and bounded on the west by the said public road along which it extends four hundred and twenty three feet six inches or thereby, all as the said subjects (first) and (second) are delineated and coloured red on the plan annexed and signed as relative to disposition by caledonian insurance company with consent in favour of the highlands & islands development board dated 16 february, 04 and 09 march and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines applicable to the county of argyll on 26 all days in march, both months of 1970; and (in the second place) all and whole that area or piece of ground lying to the west of the said public road from benderloch to south shian extending to one acre and three decimal or hundredth parts of an acre or thereby imperial standard measure in the parish and county aforesaid bounded on or towards the east by the said public road along which it extends five hundred and five feet six inches or thereby, all as the said subjects are delineated and coloured red on the plan annexed and signed as relative to the disposition by caledonian insurance company with consent in favour of the highlands & islands development board dated 07, 20 and 26 may and recorded in the said division of the general register of sasines on 09 june, both months of 1971; which whole subjects (in the first place) and (in the second place) hereinbefore referred to form part and portion of all and whole the lands and estate of south shian in the parish of ardchattan and muckairn and county of argyll being the subjects described in and disponed by disposition by captain james frederick campbell cameron and robert macdougall mccrone in favour of south shian estate limited dated 25 and 29 january and recorded in the said division of the general register of sasines on 15 february both months of 1954, being the subjects shown shaded pink on the plan annexed and executed as relative hereto (the "plan"), but excepting therefrom the subjects shown shaded green on the plan and being the subjects registered in the land register of scotland under title number ARG892.
Contains negative pledge.