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Company number SC255429

Charge code SC25 5429 0152

2 December 2013
2 December 2013
Satisfied on 6 July 2015
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • The Royal Bank of Scotland PLC as Trustee, Agent and Security Agent for Each of the Senior Secured Parties (Each as Defined in the Instrument Evidencing the Charge Accompanying This Form MR01.

Brief description

All and whole (primo) all and whole that plot or area of ground extending to two hundred and forty three decimal or one thousandth parts of a hectare or thereby forming part of the former branch line at rosetta, peebles lying in the parish and county of peebles being the subjects more particularly described in, disponed by and both shown and delineated and coloured blue on the plan annexed and signed as relative to the disposition by british railways board in favour of joseph clay and another dated thirtieth october nineteen hundred and eighty nine and recorded in the division of the general register of sasines for the county of peebles on twelfth november nineteen hundred and ninety and (secundo) all and whole that field known as violet bank field extending to five hectares and eighty nine decimal or one hundredth parts of an hectare or thereby part of the lands and estate of rosetta and others lying in the said parish and county and which subjects (secundo) hereby described are more particularly (secundo) described in, disponed by and shown and delineated in red on the plan annexed and signed as relative to the said disposition by the borders regional council in favour of the said joseph clay and another dated eighteenth and recorded in the said division of the general register of sasines on twenty seventh both days august nineteen hundred and eighty six; but excepting therefrom all and whole those subjects shown edged in a blue line on the plan annexed and signed as relative to the instrument evidencing the charge accompanying this form MR01 (the “plan”), and which subjects hereby described are otherwise shown edged in a red line on the plan.
Contains fixed charge.

Additional transactions filed against this charge

Additional transactions filed against this charge (PDF links open in a new window)
Type(of transaction) Delivered(to Companies House on this date) View / Download(PDF file, link opens in new window)
Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) 6 July 2015 View PDF for Satisfaction of a charge (MR04) (4 pages)