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Company number 08605765

Charge code 0860 5765 0005

16 June 2023
23 June 2023
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Close Brothers Limited

Brief description

1. all that freehold interest in the land and property known as land and buildings on the east side of dragon lane, durham and registered at hm land registry with title absolute under title number DU23824;. 2. all that freehold interest in the land and property known as kerry foods LTD, gilesgate moor, durham DH1 2QX and registered at hm land registry with title absolute under title number DU86021;. 3. all that freehold interest in the land and property known as land at the back of kerry foods LTD, gilesgate moor, durham DH1 2QX and registered at hm land registry with title absolute under title number DU197336; and. 4. all that freehold interest in the land and property known as land at dragon lane, durham and registered at hm land registry with title absolute under title number DU361321.
Contains fixed charge.
Contains floating charge.
Floating charge covers all the property or undertaking of the company.
Contains negative pledge.