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Company number 05686981

Charge code 0568 6981 0018

26 June 2023
28 June 2023
Transaction Filed
Registration of a charge (MR01)

Persons entitled

  • Bridgeco Limited

Brief description

All and whole the subjects. On the south west side of station road, dirleton, north berwick being 4.01 hectares in. Measurement, and being the whole subjects registered in the land register of scotland under. Title number ELN25533 under exception of (first) the subjects known as 19 castlemains. Gardens, dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of. Scotland under title number ELN28760; (second) the subjects known as 20 castlemains. Gardens, dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of. Scotland under title number ELN28847; (third) the subjects known as 21 castlemains. Gardens, dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of. Scotland under title number ELN28861; (fourth) the subjects known as 22 castlemains. Gardens, dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of. Scotland under title number ELN29010; (fifth) the subjects known as 23 castlemains gardens,. Dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of scotland. Under title number ELN28942; (sixth) the subjects known as 24 castlemains gardens,. Dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of scotland. Under title number ELN29042; (seventh) the subjects known as 25 castlemains gardens,. Dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of scotland. Under title number ELN29073; (eighth) the subjects known as 27 castlemains gardens,. Dirleton, north berwick, currently undergoing registration in the land register of scotland. Under title number ELN29144; (nineth) the subjects outlined in red and marked “plot 32” on. The development plan approved by the keeper of the registers of scotland for the. Development registered under title number ELN25533 on 11 january 2023; (tenth) the. Subjects outlined in red and marked “plot 34” on the development plan approved by the. Keeper of the registers of scotland for the development registered under title number. ELN25533 on 11 january 2023; (eleventh) the subjects outlined in red and marked “plot 35”. on the development plan approved by the keeper of the registers of scotland for the. Development registered under title number ELN25533 on 11 january 2023; and (twelfth) the. Subjects outlined in red and marked “plot 36” on the development plan approved by the. Keeper of the registers of scotland for the development registered under title number. ELN25533 on 11 january 2023; together with (one) the whole buildings and other erections. From time to time hereon, (two) the fixtures and fittings from time to time therein and. Thereon, (three) the parts, privileges and pertinents thereof, and (four) the borrower's whole. Right title and interest present and future therein and thereto.
Contains negative pledge.