
This request will be for SPIRENT SYSTEMS LIMITED (02638491).

If you want to request a document for a different company, you will need to search for the company on the register. In the company's filing history, select 'Request document' for the document you require.

Request a document

Use this service to ask us to add a document to a company's filing history if it is not currently available.

How long it takes

It can take us several hours to check the availability of a document. We will aim to add it to a company's filing history that day if the request is received between 8:30am and 3pm, Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays).

If you make a request after 3pm, we will add the document the next working day.

After you have made the request, you can check the company's filing history for updates on the document's availability.

Requesting a document takes around 5 minutes.

Start now


It costs £3 to request a document. If we cannot add the document to the filing history we will contact you to issue a refund.

You can pay by debit or credit card. You cannot pay using a Companies House account.